Friends of Sam Villa®








L'Oreal Professional

L’Oreal Professionel

Pivot Point

Pivot Point

Professional Beauty Association - PBA

Professional Beauty Association

Minerva Beauty

Minerva Beauty

ProLab Loreal Academy

ProLab Loreal Academy

Hair Experts

Friends listed in alphabetical order by last name

Mustafa Avci

Mustafa Avci

Matt Beck

Matt Beck

Chrystofer Benson

Chrystofer Benson

Marquetta Breslin

Marquetta Breslin

Jamie DiGrazia

Jamie DiGrazia

Fumi Eguchi

Fumi Eguchi

Vernon François

Vernon François

Nicholas French

Nicholas French

Jason Gribbin

Jason Gribbin

Lauren Hagen

Lauren Hagen

Yureesh Hooker

Yureesh Hooker

Jorge Joao

Jorge Joao

John Mosley

John Mosley

Keya Neal

Keya Neal

Michelle O'Connor

Michelle O'Connor

Brayden Pelletier

Brayden Pelletier

Ira Pope Sage

Ira Pope Sage

Ruth Roche

Ruth Roche

Tippi Shorter

Tippi Shorter

Jenny Strebe

Jenny Strebe

Hugo Urias

Hugo Urias

Chelsea Vonne James

Chelsea Vonne James

Lori Zabel

Lori Zabel

Business & Wellness Experts

Friends listed in alphabetical order by last name

Jeddy Azuma

Jeddy Azuma

Marquetta Breslin

Marquetta Breslin

Ronit Enos

Ronit Enos

Jason Everett

Jason Everett

Rob Fooks

Rob Fooks

Bobby Foster-Kelly

Bobby Foster-Kelly

Steve Gomez

Steve Gomez

Yureesh Hooker

Yureesh Hooker

Allyson and Shannon King

Allyson and Shannon King

Jen and Matt Martinelli

Jen and Matt Martinelli

Gordon Miller

Gordon Miller

Carlo Novoa

Carlo Novoa